Grading systems are essential for tracking performance and determining future career paths. The SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) are two of the most frequent grading systems used in universities and colleges. While many students are familiar with both words, the distinction between CGPA and SGPA is often unclear, particularly for those just entering college. Learn Understanding CGPA vs SGPA: A Complete Explanation for Students Now.
What is CGPA?
CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is the cumulative score of your performance across all semesters. It is calculated as the average of all your SGPAs over the course of your academic program. This gives a broader view of how you’ve performed throughout your entire degree rather than just in a single semester.
How to Calculate CGPA?
To calculate CGPA, follow these steps:
- List Your SGPAs: Gather your SGPA scores from all completed semesters.
- Add Them Up: Sum the SGPA of all semesters.
- Calculate: Divide the total by the number of semesters to get the average.
CGPA = (sum of SGPA as for all semester) / (total number of semester)
CGPA to Percentage Converter
How to use CGPA to Percentage Converter?
To use this CGPA to Percentage Converter follow below steps:
- Enter your final CGPA in the box.
- Click on the Convert button.
- Once you click, your CGPA will calculate automatically.
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