Hey learners,
In this blog article we're going to discuss how to check the IFSC code of any bank. There are a lot of ways to check this code, either by passbook or online methods. So let's dive into this article.
What is IFSC Code?
The Indian Financial System Code is referred to as IFSC. In India, every bank branch that participates in the electronic fund transfer systems is uniquely identified by an 11-digit alphanumeric identifier.
How to Check IFSC Code of Any Bank?
Here are the most frequent ways to check the IFSC code of any bank:
- Refer to your Passbook: The IFSC code is normally found on the front page of your passbook, near your account information.
- Contact your bank directly: To find out the IFSC code, call your bank's customer service or go to the nearest branch.
How can I know my bank IFSC code online?
For checking the IFSC code online, just follow the below steps:
- Visit the RBI official website.
- Select the bank name and fill in the branch name.
- Click on Get Details button.
- It will show the list of your nearby banks. Verify the address and check IFSC code of your bank.
I hope that's it for how to check the IFSC code of any bank. If there is anything else, let me know in the comment box.